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A dental hygienist within oral care specialises in the prevention and treatment of dental and gum problems. Your dentist can refer you, but you can also visit our dental hygienist without a referral.
Did you know that your oral health has a major impact on your overall health?
Within oral care, a dental hygienist is the specialist in preventing and treating tooth and gum problems. Your dentist can refer you, but you can also visit our dental hygienist without a referral. Did you know that your oral health also greatly affects your overall health? At STRIJP Mondzorg in most cases, we recommend visiting the dental hygienist at least twice a year. Our dental hygienist Marissa will guide you in getting and maintaining good oral hygiene, the foundation of a healthy mouth! We always work according to the paro protocol in order to continue to provide appropriate care.

At STRIJP Mondzorg we advise in most cases to visit the dental hygienist at least twice a year.
Our dental hygienist Marissa will guide you in achieving and maintaining good oral hygiene, the basis of every healthy mouth!
We always work according to the paro protocol, in order to continue to provide appropriate care.


Do you suffer from bleeding and painful gums when brushing? A bad taste in the mouth or bad breath? You probably suffer from a mild or advanced infection in your gum. In the early stages, this is known as gingivitis. As there usually is little to no symptoms in the beginning it is often recognised late. The dentist will perform a PPS score (Periodic Periodontal Screening) during a periodic check-up to see whether you have early stage or advanced gingivitis and then you will likely be referred to a dental hygienist.


If gingivitis is not treated, the deeper jawbone can become affected and break down from the inside, resulting in your teeth becoming loose. We call this periodontitis. With targeted treatment, a dental hygienist can provide a thorough dental cleaning, removing deposits, plaque and tartar. In this way, you can cure problems in your teeth but more importantly, prevent them!


No need to worry, because at STRIJP Mondzorg we’re using the latest treatment method, the Airflow Profylaxis Master van EMS. This device has a 'No Pain' technology and is the very latest in the field of scale, plaque and tartar removal. A dental cleaning is therefore virtually painless!